The Battle Cats POP! (2016)
Nintendo 3DS
In Collection
Completed:  No
Ponos   Ponos
Nintendo eShop

Collect 100s of fightin' Cats to power up your army, take down bizarre and hilarious enemies and win glorious treasure!

Super Simple Battle System
Just tap on the Cat you want to join the fight! Oh, and maybe fire the Cat Cannon once or twice. Take down the enemy base before the baddies can destroy yours!

Super Simple Levelling System
Use the XP you get from clearing stages to train your Cats! Once they hit level 10, it's time to EVOLVE!

Super Simple Fun!
Collect treasure sets to create powerful items and boost your powers!

Go to the Capsule Machine to collect rare and exotic Cats(?)!!
Battle your friends with the 3DS-exclusive Versus mode to unlock even more cool rewards!

Perfect for Casual Play! Fun for all ages, anyone (and their cat too!) can enjoy the "Battle Cats"!
Product Details
No. of Disks 0
Region USA
Language English
Audience Rating Everyone 10+
Personal Details
Purchase Price $9.99
Store Nintendo eShop